Talking to the moon, from a boat.

To achieve this picture, I used a lot of masking! I made the layer with the city my very last layer and formed the boat, water, mountains, and trees to fit around the city by masking. The last masking layer I added was the moon, but as you can see my moon is ugly and it looks like a deformed Jelly Belly; so i feel as thought this was not very successful. To desaturate the picture and keep the boat filled with color I made a copy of the final picture in black and white, and put the original image on top of it. I then masked it until I liked it.  Last but not least I cleaned up all the edges and called it a day.

One Response to “Talking to the moon, from a boat.”

  1. Randy Depew Says:

    You are clearly in charge of the tools we have learned. Excellent work here and in all of your other images. You have outstanding potential as a designer.

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