Archive for the Uncategorized Category

I Am From (Magic Lamp)

Posted in Uncategorized on December 2, 2010 by ginamitchell

I Am From (football)

Posted in Uncategorized on December 2, 2010 by ginamitchell

This was my first idea for my Digital I Am From poem. I used a picture from football that I had taken the game against Hayward High. The picture means a lot to me because working with this team made me want to give them recognition in life; and this is the perfect way to do it. The text is in that shape because when I added it in, it just happened to go that way, and it looked random but beautiful.

Invaders From Alpha Sigma X

Posted in Uncategorized on November 5, 2010 by ginamitchell

I made this using garage band on a mac. I found a foundation beat to start with, and then I used a keyboard to add extra effects.


P.S.I know this is very UNoriginal, but I wanted to start out with something familiar in order to understand the concept.


Posted in Uncategorized on November 5, 2010 by ginamitchell

To make this triptych I didn’t use any of my own photography, but the photoshop stock images. The three images that have been blended together represent yesterday, me, and tomorrow. The fire is a symbol of all the things that I have once loved, hated, and wanted yesterday. The middle picture is of a volcano that has fire and water working together; this is what represents me right now because I am transition from being crazy and stressed, to calming down and getting serious. The water is a symbol of calm, peace, having what I need and not what I want for my future. To make this picture i just masked the three images on top of each other and blended them until I was satisfied.

Soundtrack of My Life; Ginasdfjkl;

Posted in Uncategorized on October 25, 2010 by ginamitchell

This is the soundtrack of my life. For this assignment I used a few new tools that are pretty new to the class. I made the fading background by using the gradient tool. I next added track titles by using the text tool; I did this for the album title and the artist name. Finally I wanted to put a picture that was not a self portrait, but still described everything about me. To get Edenmarie on the front on masked her in. I was looking over the songs and decided to make “Find Your Love” glow because this song means the most to me.

Yummy penguino

Posted in Uncategorized on October 4, 2010 by ginamitchell

AHHHHHHHHH Rex is trying to Eat Happy Feet! While the camel just watches; in a foggy forest. The way this story goes, is that the masking tool is taking over! I started with the trees and fog in the background/bottom layer. I then added Rex in by selecting him pasting him in. I then used the masking tool to clean up all the edges. Next I added Happy Feet in using the same method as Rex to keep it clean. At last I added the camel to make the scene a little more awkward by selecting him and pasting him in as well as the others.

Talking to the moon, from a boat.

Posted in Uncategorized on September 30, 2010 by ginamitchell

To achieve this picture, I used a lot of masking! I made the layer with the city my very last layer and formed the boat, water, mountains, and trees to fit around the city by masking. The last masking layer I added was the moon, but as you can see my moon is ugly and it looks like a deformed Jelly Belly; so i feel as thought this was not very successful. To desaturate the picture and keep the boat filled with color I made a copy of the final picture in black and white, and put the original image on top of it. I then masked it until I liked it.  Last but not least I cleaned up all the edges and called it a day.

Photo Restoration

Posted in Uncategorized on September 24, 2010 by ginamitchell

The other day I learned how to restore old damaged pictures. To do this I used the Healing Brush and the Clone Stamp. Since this is my great great grandpa Jim Bob I like the picture either way. My favorite part is the hair and and my least favorite part is how unsharp it is, but I think that it’s unsharp because it’s old or just damaged.

Burning Down the House

Posted in Uncategorized on September 24, 2010 by ginamitchell

To make this picture I used many different tools and steps. I mostly used masks but on this picture I learned how to use the photo filters such as warming ad cooling. My favorite part of this picture is the fire coming out of the window on the lower right of the house. My least favorite part is the flowers blurring into the grass because it looks fake. Blurring is something that I need to work on.

Boats and Joes

Posted in Uncategorized on September 21, 2010 by ginamitchell

While working on this project I learned how to take one image and bring it into another. I used the lasso tool, the magic wand tool, hue and saturation effects, and a dew other things. I like this picture because of how realistic it looks with the ripple effect, but I feel I can improve on cleaning up edges a little more next time.